Tuesday 17 April 2012

Like Monsters Inc... but bloodier

It starts with agents, secret ones I think. Then a hyper group of witty teens, followed by the evil dead, dark lords, high tech gadgetry, a plethora of gruesomeness and many many monsters, with some badass archaic weaponry thrown in for good measure. If my Buffy-the-Vampire-Slayer-upbringing has taught me anything, then this can only be the work of one man: Joss Whedon.
His new big screen venture is so much more than just a ‘Cabin in the Woods’, as the title would suggest; it is a Hellmouth lover’s wet dream. The Cabin in the Woods is such a bolshy showcase of Whedon’s fervent imagination that you would nearly think it arrogant. But god can that man deliver. It’s what he’s good at. And even if you do find Whedon’s endlessly reeled out CV of monsters a little tiresome, the daftness of the dialogue will keep you charmed enough to last out the film.
Although apparently it takes more than daftness to make it to the end of this roller-coaster. A combination of foolhardiness, friendship and marijuana seem to be what it takes to survive.
So there you go, kids. Take note, and stay out of the woods.